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Friday, February 13, 2009

Disney Finding Nemo Mcdonald's Happy Meal Toys 8 Figure Set

This is the full set of 8 McDonald's Happy Meal toys featuring the characters from the 2003 Pixar film "Finding Nemo". Complete Set of 8, brand new still in the factory sealed bags.

Recently, I went searching on the internet for some peoples experiences with the Ouija board.

Along with the usual people warning others about the powers of the ouija board, I found something very disturbing ...

I found a LOT of people suggesting to incorporate the Ouija board into their "theme" night party.

They suggest incorporating the board as if it was just a fun little thing to do. And often this was a suggestion for children's parties!

This is an absolutely stupid and dangerous idea. If you were having a "Cops & Robbers" theme party, would you incorporate a REAL loaded gun?

Of course not!

You know the power a gun has and respect it enough to know it would not be suitable as a party prop.

The Ouija board demands the same amount of respect. There will be some of you reading this who doubt the power of the Ouija board. Perhaps you don't believe in any "supernatural" forces. That is fine, but everyone believes in the dead right? We all KNOW death is REAL. Disrespecting the ouija board is disrespecting the dead!

Perhaps some people don't make the connection. But regardless of your belief or disbelief that there IS a REAL power in the ouija board ...please do not use it in a light hearted fashion. Respect those that have gone before us. There are many, many more fun and "scary" things you can add to a horror theme night without having to disrespect the Ouija board or putting yourself at risk.

The ouija board can be used safely for those that do believe in it's powers. You are far better off NOT ever touching a Ouija board UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! Unless you know the methods to keep yourself safe.

PLEASE DO NOT USE A OUIJA BOARD! Regardless of if you believe in it's power or not ... is it worth the risk?

Nik R. Edser keeps a free newsletter on the Ouija board at

Free to join.

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